Medieval Colloquium

The biennial Medieval Colloquium is the Dartmouth's Medieval Studies Program's signature event.  Every other fall, we invite two scholars to present pre-circulated papers of work in progress, and we invite medievalists from all over New England and New York to join for a day of intense work-shop conversation about the scholarship.  It is underwritten by Dartmouth's Leslie Center for the Humanities, the office of the Provost, the History Department, the English Department, and other departments on campus. 

November 18, 2023

Ardis Butterfield. The Marie Borroff Professor of English, Yale University. "Medieval Song"

Hussein Fancy. Associate Professor of History, Yale University. "Impostacy and the Mediterranean."

Fall 2021

Due to Covid, we are delaying what would have been the 2021 meeting. We are hoping to be able to convene in Spring of 2022. Watch this space.

November 23, 2019

Emma Dillon. Kings University London. School of Music.  "The Romance of Song."

Sara Lipton. Stony Brook University. Department of History.  "The Veiled Image: Preaching the Bible of the Smple in the High Midlle Ages, ca. 1180=1320."

November 11, 2017

Miri Rubin. Queen Mary, University of London. School of History. "Cities of Women: Strangers at Home" and "Cities of God: Placing and Displacing Jews in late Medieval Cities."

Seeta Chaganti.  UC Davis. Department of English. "De-rhyming Dance: Burgundian Basse danse and the Aesthetics of Dérimage."

November 21, 2015

Jacqueline Jung. Yale University.  Department of the History of Art. "Bodily Eloquence, Haptic Visuality, and the Charisma of Gothic Sculpture," which is the opening chapter to her new book, currently titled Eloquent Bodies: Movement, Expression, and the Human Figure in Gothic Sculpture.

Rita Copeland.  University of Pennsylvania.  Department of English. "Emotion and the History of Rhetoric in the Middle Ages."

November 2, 2013

Susan Einbinder. Departments of Hebrew & Judaic Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Connecticut.  "The Libel and the Lamb."

Daniel Hobbins. Department of History, University of Notre Dame. Presenting on: "The Convergence of Authors and Scribes: Toward a History of the Authorial Colophon."  

November 12, 2011

Jocelyn Wogan-Brown, Department of English, Fordham University. "Can We Speak of Medieval Vernacular Literatures, Or Only of Vernacular Texts?  The Case of French in England"

Daniel Lord Smail, Department of History, Harvard University. ("Goods and Debts in Medieval Mediterranean Europe").

November 14, 2009

Jeffrey Hamburger, Department of Art History, Harvard University.  "The Hand of God and the Hand of the Scribe: Craft, Collaboration and Inspiration in the Scriptorium of Arnstein Abbey."

D. Vance Smith, Department of English, Princeton University. "Love Without Object: Marguerite Porete and the Soul Brought to Nothing."

November 17, 2007

Amy Hollywood, Religion, Harvard University.  "The Medieval Thing: History, Hagiography, and Psychoanalysis"

Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, Department of English, Berkeley (formerly University of Notre Dame). "'Esto quod es': Agency and Textual Identity in the Late Anglo-Saxon Classroom."


November 19, 2005

Bruce Holsinger, Department of English, University of Virginia. "The Work of God: Liturgical Culture and Vernacular Writing in England, 650-1550"

David Nirenburg, Department of History, University of Chicago (formerly, John Hopkins). "The Collapse of Religious Pluralism in Spain, 1391-1492,"