The schedule for the 2024-2025 Medieval Seminar is as follows, below. As always, we meet at 5:30, with dinner generously provided by the Provost's Office, and refreshments generously provided by the Leslie Center for the Humanities.
Note: Our October and November seminars will be held in the 1930 Room in Rocky. Our Winter and Spring seminars will be held in 125 Haldeman.
October 16, 1930 Room Rockefeller 106. Laura Ackerman Smoller (Dartmouth '81). University of Rochester. History. "Star-Gazers from the Mount of Victory: The Magi and Astrology in the Later Middle Ages."
November 20, 1930 Room Rockefeller 106. Walter Simons. Dartmouth College. History. "Were There Is a Will: The Heresy of the Free Spirit, the Swesteren, and the Lollards (no, not the English Lollards) of the Lower-Rhine and the Low Countries (c. 1290- c. 1380)"
January 15, 125 Haldeman. Joseph Ackley (Dartmouth '03). Wesleyan University. Art History. "The Natural Philosophy of Gold, from Hildegard of Bingen to Early Alchemy."
February 19, 125 Haldeman. Aseel Najib. Dartmouth College. History. "Imperial Courts and Holy Cities: Gendered Mobility in the Abbasid Period."
April 16, 125 Haldeman. Andrea Tarnowski. Dartmouth College. French and Italian. "On medieval French literature."
May 21, 125 Haldeman. Sean Field. University of Vermont. History. "The Lives of Colette of Corbie (d. 1447) by Perrine de Baume and Pierre de Vaux: A New Chronology."